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The League of the Faithful

@@God's assembling a league of not-so-extraordinary gentlemen.@@ He's gathering ordinary individuals with marginal influence, mediocre careers, and minimal pay. These men and women aren't the ones that are told of in legends. These aren't the men that kids dream about becoming - kids don't go to bed dreaming about working on the assembly line or doing taxes. These women aren't the women that young women picture when they declare a major.

The gentlemen and women who make up this league often find themselves tired, sore, and doubting. They are frustrated and exhausted, always on the verge of giving up but too committed to ever actually give up. 

Why do they even do what they do? Because they are faithful. 

Every morning at 5:00am the alarm goes off. These faithful men and women get to work before the rest of the world even brushes their teeth. It's not for the paycheck. It's definitely not for the flexible hours. They don't get to work from home. 

They come home from a long day at work to a family who needs their faithfulness even more than their boss demands their commitment. These faithful men who sat on boards and made million-dollar business decisions now get on their knees and play with Barbies and fight invisible bad guys while making laser noises.  

They are faithful. 

The league of the faithful are the ordinary men and women that God has called to do their work faithfully. God has called them, and they do it. They are the moms and the dads, the husbands and the wives, the neighbors and the coworkers that do their ordinary work every day. They don't seek the allure of bigger and better, but they seek faithfulness where they are. 

They do their job well. 

They love their family well. 

They serve the people well. 

In 1 Peter 4:10, Peter writes, "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." The league of the faithful use their gifts and their calling to serve the people around them. Regardless of how much they like the work or the difficulty of the work - they are faithful with what God has given them. They are faithful in the way that Jesus teaches in Luke 16:10, "One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much."

In ordinary, everyday work, God does something incredible. God is hidden and at work serving companies and clients, kids and spouses, neighbors and coworkers. God is hidden behind a league of faithful men and women who serve where God has called them.  

God has chosen to do his impossible, extraordinary work of caring for creation with faithful men and women. God has chosen to use faithful men and women in their homes, office, and classrooms to do the work of God faithfully simply by loving people in work they have to do. 

Note: Thanks to League of Faithful Masks for inspiring the title of this post.